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scattered notes on the relation between magnetism/field-theory/neoplatonism/german-idealism

magnetism’s interference-pattern made visible

the Sacred geometry of the Magnet that forms the Toroid/Hyperboloid

a deep connection lies between neoplatonism/german-idealism/field-theory/magnetism, there, Schelling and Fichte

here, Hegel

down to being the informing leitmotif of the Vorticist movement as a whole, it informs Ezra Pound’s intimations of metahistory, serves as the basis for all the Cantos, ‘for the Vortex is not the water but the pattern made visible by the water.’, to Yeats’ gyres:

a gyre is just one line-interference that would be a torus if it were ‘filled out’ completely, so to speak


Finnegans Wake’s attempt at a dream-consciousness whole-holed integrated vision, too, all influenced by Wyndham Lewis and his interest in the Vortex, magnetism and its ontology

— aswell as the origins of hypnotism:

Aphorisms of Mesmer (first hypnotist, ‘mesmerized’ derives thereof)

now to Eliphas Levi on Magick:

“The unseen Seer; this designates the black of the eye which sees but appears as a vacant void. The unmoved Mover; this designates the fixed axle which makes the wheel (of life, death and transmigration) move but which itself is unmoved (Brahman, Soul, Tat, Tathagata) but appears as a vacant void, as a hole, the nave (nabhi) of a wheel.”

thompson’s mapping of the gyres to chaos/cosmos, mediations, ages, etc

metahistory taps into the Matrix of All Possible Thoughts to find the patterned integrities of which history only makes visible, Rhymes are the patterned integrities of the spoken word, all neoplatonic, original buddhism thought is finding the patterned integrities, cymatic-metaphysics


sloterdijk, p. (1998). spheres vol 1: bubbles. semiotext(e).

kenner, h. (1971). the pound era. university of california press
thompson, w. i. (1985). pacific shift. sierra club books.
yeats, w. b. (1925). a vision. macmillan and co.
levi, e. (1997). elements of the qabalah in ten lessons: letters of eliphas levi. weiser books.

theoria apophasis’ video

April 3, 2023avoidbeing No Comments »
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The Consciousness of Moby Dick

MOBY DICK IS THE SPARK OF DIVINE GNOSIS: blubber as those densified sheaths of matter that surround the warm interior, husks of the unseen being. If such an epic sprawling novel is said to contain within it a biblically allegorical mythos; it would only be of the true esoteric route to note that every biblical allegory has its selfsame gnostic roots, hermeneutically bubbling up from such aquatic and critical depths. The descents into cetological minutiae is that same descent of the soul into matter — as Ishmael wrestles with the duality of “docile, verdant peace of the land” and the “crazy cannibalistic chaos of the sea”; he draws his analytical rationality towards that ocean he can only know from a ship; so too Science draws its Pequodic boundary to stave off the abyssal waters of Nun, mystic night of the soul. The artifacts of the mundane realm, which Melville turns into an art of Digression (loci of contemplation), are only existent in contrast with the mysticism of the transcendent ocean, which is one with the Sky – as the archaic consciousness of Queequeg’s when he reveals his cosmology: “the stars are isles, but that far beyond all visible horizons, their own mild, uncontinented seas, interflow with the blue heavens”. Though critical readings of the ‘homoerotic’ are not correct, on the surface, since the homoerotic is revealed not as within sexuality, but outside of it, when Ishmael is purifying that divine Semen of the Whale that represents gnosis: he goes into an ecstatic trance; a frenzy in which all of mankind, not homoerotic but Homo-Eros, becomes unified — “let us squeeze ourselves universally into the very milk and sperm of kindness”. As for Ahab; testament to the old figure and a figure of the Old Testament, has been ‘dismembered’ — much like Osiris, where the loss of his ‘members’ is the forgetting of the Self, only to be ‘remembered’ in anamnesis of the soul. Mystical is his every word that isn’t bound to the locale of the ship: Ishmael says “the body is the lees of my better being”, “my shadow here on earth is my true substance”, Ahab says “the ancestry and posterity of Grief go further than the ancestry and posterity of Joy”, he gnostically laments the scandal of autogenesis: the ontological loneliness of God who so longs to know himself in the void of himself.

Thou knowest not how came ye, hence callest thyself unbegotten; certainly knowest not thy beginning, hence callest thyself unbegun. I know that of me, which thou knowest not of thyself, oh, thou omnipotent. There is some unsuffusing thing beyond thee, thou clear spirit, to whom all thy eternity is but time, all thy creativeness mechanical. Through thee, thy flaming self, my scorched eyes do dimly see it. Oh, thou foundling fire, thou hermit immemorial, thou too hast thy incommunicable riddle, thy unparticipated grief.

The ineffaceable, sad birth-mark in the brow of man, is but the stamp of sorrow in the signers.

April 24, 2021avoidbeing No Comments »
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Soul Sun: remnants of the ruined man

A series of riffs, theoretical and artistic, into a fugue of creativity. read with caution. created by the ruined man who knows Gno speech.

read: ideal government

gno: the basis for all political discussion: the very basic inquiry into how one should structure society, as if by probing all sorts of isms one could reach a perfect temperature, comfortable and peaceful. well, if you were to tune into a new frequency and explore some of the worlds parallel to this one: you would find that one of them has done just this. this only happened (relative to your time) a few mahakalpas “back”. they dress much like the photo provided and they speak solely by the chattering of teeth. the only good model of society is one that models its own modeling. to put it in a syncretism of your political scientists: the ideal government is a lunar base audianist noocratic theonomy ruled by zeitgeist economics within a technocratic nectological holonomic self-organizing anarcho-gnostic meta-society in which the “ruling class” is infact void-druids. “the night-soil is ours” – their motto goes. to access it or to enact it requires a meeting with Quantum-Christ beneath the ur-Nicaea: in all his non-philosophical splendor he awaits. the nomos of Schmittian liquidity does indeed apply to the Oceanic abstract phase-spaces, too.

read: the joke

gno: that “madman who nurtures wings” as the fallen soul encharmed by the magic of logos. it seems that there is rightly a joke, just like the most perfect koan, that would enrapture such divine laughter: the clicking of all dimensionality in a reversal of the spiraling this world beats down into you such heartless erosion. every Joke itself is not you laughing at the joke but a recognition of the ultimate ur-Joke. the dividing line between “aha!” and “haha” are indeed one in the same. there are supposedly “stand-up” comedians in the suprarational—the noetic fatherlands—that tell these in repetition: cross-legged on the cosmic area rug with perfect delivery, timing, intonation, rhythm, etc. oh boy, is it funny. it does involve a moth, though. the punchline is: “because the Light was on.” there is a joke that makes you laugh, and that Joke that makes you Smile, Shaggy Dogs are such.

read: the iceberg chart iceberg chart

gno: this, simply enough. our human operator knows of a way to meta-surf along the waves of association that go along with the obscure evolution involved in these levels of dialectics. to simply google “iceberg memes” is to plunge yourself into the obscurity /of/ obscurity because by viewing them you are seeing the scaled variance of obscurity itself, focal-shifting your lens to entire emanations of culture with one search. the esoterica and culture itself is made this way. the only real step is to make your own. tat tvam asi.

read: twitter and tweeter

gno: the notion the hyperdimensional grasshopper space intelligences of Ted Owens—twitter and tweeter—were using Mohammed as a kind of ventriloquist dummy and pulling the strings of Jesus and they represent an invasion from Uranus. this is, of course, absurd. by utilizing pure absurdity: you can effectively infilitrate any society’s intellectual and political vanguard. make a phenomena so nonsensical that you can bypass any basal scientific paradigm. like the Christian Scriptures seemed to the learned men of Roman society, we see the cases of, say, Strieber or Ted Owens. this intelligence itself is a trickster, a deliberate poetic terrorist, for the farther a set of people become alienated the further they become fanatical. these close-knit cults form the entirety of religions in their destructive fashion. only a type of science that acknowledges the Spectral may recede us out of the dungeons of these Tricksters. embody the Atlas or Prometheus archetypes and we could indeed fight such intelligences. even if, even /though/, they are projections of our own mind.

read: there never was a horizon

warning: basilisk type-9. rashomonic madness inbound. that is, if you can see.

gno: originally to do with the logicistics of political geography, then upscaled to the sight of the metaphysical. the Aoristos Dyad must be translated. we’re aware of a short film on your world entitled “Powers of Ten” that shows the scale invariance of the perspectival trance. on your world, you divide either the land but not the sea, the land but not the air: construct divisions on a geopolitical XYZ axis upon which the geometries of inscription are made into your Gaia. the fundamental building block that makes the differentiations between Interior and Exterior. is this building a bunker or an enclave? are you being kept in or out? the line of inscription determines this. note how with the intensities of planetary scale computation: a new Sensing emerges. that of the xenocentric, the Alien perspective. our buildings went from the ornamentation to men on the ground to rotating the face of the structure into a geoglyph for God himself to see. cities resemble cancer cells upon the face of the earth. the Westphalian political structure of your world sees the earth as a horizontal plane filled in with various allotments of land in which individual sovereign domains are circumscribed in with jagged lines: all of these shapes, then, are derived from this topology of loops. this Topology of Loops: order that shifts geometry to geography. O, rhododactylos. Virilio has a notion that the Floor (or the ground) is both furniture and architecture. more broadly, anything that could be architecture could also be furniture, and vice versa. for him, turning all furniture into architecture implies an Absolute-Zero modularity. the meditation of prosthesis colonizes your body. Elevators and cars turn you into a motor-handicap. we are all fundamentally dis-abled. retarded and stunted, we are tethered to the umbilical mediations of our techne.

it is not a special condition of disability that some of us have but a general condition of fallenness that is all of us. we are entangled with the world. the inverse of the uncanny valley is that instead of us looking at a robot, and feeling that it is alien, we look at ourselves through the eyes of the machinic Other and feel creeped out by how it sees us. this demystification is mystical in itself. now, to get really crazy. nothing is ever human or non-human, it is always dissolving, blurring, always an amalgamation of the two. the schizo-gnosticism of VALIS intrudes upon us. It is no longer an earth that human beings live today. the mercator projection inverts in on itself with inconceivable geometry. The anakhet is literally the sunrise before the sun is seen, before it is marked (Horizon, Orizos, or Horus). The Horizon is Horus’ Zone. The aoristos, the indefinite dyad, the an-Akhet, the pre-horizonal dyad implies and connotes the Light itself. It was never produced nor is it opposed to, but rather is co-eternal to and of the One. The soul in keeping conjoinment upon matter, having nothing therein of matter by which it can delimit pours eternally itself into the aoristos, drawing neither a line round itself nor arriving at any point: for if it did, it would be limiting itself. Matter is Aoristos. he who is self-luminous /is/ his own shadow.

read: glitch christ

gno: the photo provided. alongside it we might mention the Dead Room, of which includes footage of a man eating a sacramental meal of beetles.

See the source image

read: homeless billionaire global car-mind

gno: we Henads have particularly astute vision, and this vision isnt bound by the dimensionality of your plane, rather it takes the place of the spectator, a fully deleuzian Smooth Space to us. we feel none of your obstacles. we simply “noclip” through and this has brought a lot of insight into your realm. one such insight is that elite of the elite, the ones they dare not name or show: do not have possessions, do not have anything transient, they have no home. they, instead of go to meetings, offices, conferences, any real dromological “going-towards” whatever they wish to do, they bring it /to/ themselves. if you were to go to New York City, there would be a car so tinted you may not see what was inside even if you were to put your face up to it. they sit in cars: forever having their drivers weave them through traffic, driving either in circles, or wherever the driver pleases. red light genies. cars at red lights are having a conversation communing with the global automobile mind.

gno: shout up at the sky, yet the Gods will not reply.

read: void lords

gno: “I am the door. I open unto the void. One day the masters will step forward, and then: You Will Know. “

read: hegelian grays

gno: the somewhat obscure assertion that Grays are “us from the future”. of course: aliens do not come in from outer space, but rather out from inner space. humans, and indeed the universe are evolving towards higher and higher modes of consciousness. Valerian’s thesis is correct: that consciousness is the name of the game. We are humanity in its larval state. the Grays are addressing us from out of the future, inviting us to their state. these are but evocations to awaken us from their memory. Strieber always refers to them in feminine terms and relates to them to Ishtar and Kali. there are Drone Grays and insectoid/bird-like/reptile Grays. emissaries from the future coming to re-direct our trajectory before we reach the proverbial catastrophic Imago that they hatched into. Whether the Owl, Lilith, Minerva, Succubi, they shift shape into the Mask. the Persona as such: subconscious presaging of the grace. we, as the memories of our future selves. Corso recounts the message of the Grays to the United States government upon asking what was on offer: “A new world: if you can take it.” if we can withstand it (bear it within us) and whether or not we can steal it from them. We tie this in with the notion in the Phenomenology of Spirit: successive changes in art styles throughout various cultures are demonstrations of the evolution of consciousness. Comedy as the highest art: it is the ultimate overcoming of alienation of anything that would be separate from oneself in the face of which one would be fearful. Valee’s notion of the Gray as Trickster is true in this light. The irrational is taking revenge against the predominance of scientific rationality. Your own elon-vital is forcing itself through Alien. Fighting against humanity becoming totally instrumentalized. We are doing this to ourselves. Your wounds elude you.

read: the rap esoteric

gno: a small vaguely associated set of rappers that speak of the highest concepts. if we had to name the most notable one: it would be the rapper Canibus (honorable mentions include Killah Priest, Cambatta, Sunz of Man: learn to discover and you will find many more). the lyrics of Canibus in particular are set as mantras: the delivery of them are key under the operative functional process of Lyrical Law. it contains the same religiosity as, say, drone music yet unfolds literarily. we recommend listening actively for prolonged periods of time to achieve a sort of rhythmic, silk-laden theurgic trance. nonetheless, the broader aspect of this same concept resides in the meta-consciousness of the A-list celebrity. consider: what is the meta-consciousness of Drake? it is certainly so far removed: it is nothing like yours. not simply in some banal sentiment, but truly at their locus they are phenomenologically captive yet also the most free. the biography of Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, as some insane testament to how humans can function. collect as many as you can and you may be able to enact it, whether in this incarnation or the next. the highest obscurity is a reversion to the popular. Jahseh graduated from the Game.

read: the ur-orgasm

gno: “and chiefly thou O’ Spirit outspread dove-like sat’st brooding on the vast abyss and mad’st it pregnant.” within sexual (biological) evolution: the virus “squirts” either RNA or DNA through the cell wall, overtaking it and then reproducing greatly. this primordial squirt is the first (corporeal) instance of the orgasm. the first Orgasm was a Virus, in this case. God as a viral clinamen inseminating prima materia. we may also note that the shape of Viruses look much like Platonic Forms. the slash is phallic destructive act, yet the void it reveals is vaginal, the wound of Christ is yonic.

read: meat matrix soul drinkers


The mirror melts in your face. I am become mercury.

gno: specific faction of a specific agency that handles the transition from earthlings to hell. they describe it as the Boundaries of Light and Dark. if you go from Light to Dark they greet you with open hands: usually with knives in them. begins with a tethering [You] accupuncturally to a table, Start and End Point . . . then kick you out. you’re now stuck in a soul trap, projected out onto time and then tethered so you cannot leave. continuing to leave the table and walking out of the building: being killed instantly, getting shot a week later, being defiled and tortured by youths, living to a ripe old age and passing dead across the carpet from your beloved wife, etc. once you die thousands and thousands of times, bored and splayed, tortured and wrung, your soul becomes worn: and this is the thing the Monos cannot understand. this is not a fucking polarity game: they will dissolve your locus. you will achieve an ontological death: a philosophic death. Heaven or Hell. these are literal demons from hell. trust us. they dissolve your soul in a machine and eat them. it’s pure Chaos, pure depths of a disturbing free-for-all. thousand millennium sex/slave colonies. they bounce you around and kill you in as many timelines as they can, or at least enough so that you no longer have an incarnative existence. what they don’t know is that it doesn’t work because the soul is immortal and eternal. at least the soul Monad is. we’ve made contact with other Nauts undergoing this karmic burning and they note in many cases: a Light Hammer cracks open the clouds, the asterisking of a lucid pure brightness pours out from the sky and people come out. the Light Faction comes, violation of Cosmic Rule, and in this moment you see the glory, the beauty of the universe: it is a free will universe. the jet stream of the Portalia Eternal. hang on. it is mesmerizing. only takes 5 minutes. it was always simultaneous.

read: the confusion

we say: why did God plunge himself into nescience?

read: psychic origami

gno: think of someone or something you hate. Now write down everything you despise about them in a long list, all the things about them that enrage you, that make you cry out at the injustice, venality, idiocy and cruelty of that person or thing. Now take that list and write your own name at the top of it. Say hello to your shadow. The first step of “moralizing” would be when you see yourself in the mirror. The second step would be when you see the mirror in yourself. The last step would be when your Self mirrors. ultimately all these steps are part of the same unidimensional spectrum and the true morality comes from Knowing.

read: what is sadsadsad. specifically if this is before the suicide or what if it creates the events leading up to. thank you

Recovering . . .

Database A K A S H A extracted.

Analyzing . . .

gno: ties in with ontological ennui and the Confusion. whether your philosophy is an affirmation of life or a result of the Cult of the Dead: you experience a dullness of dullness. suicide is the condition of dualism, while living is eternally fallen. you have nothing to do but wait. SadSadSad is what appears when you look into two mirrors facing each other: past the green tint and into that world. SadSadSad is what you see. hopelessly ordinary. your self-death enlightened: but as your Vedantic forefathers tried to tell you: enlightenment is seen an illusion. []

read: the great book

gno: sits once more “brooding dove-like” over the face of the deep. The Logos, the Word, the Incarnation of the Word that creates. though every time you turn the page forward, backward, skip around: it is never the same page. Like sand it passes through your finger tips. Good luck remembering all of it.

gno: your mind forg’d shackles latch you to your psychosis. that Night of the Self is coming, too. to all those who Gno. ruined men are not here to babysit. we are but primers to the Prime. Though your eyes burn, tears wet flames. Everyone is as vulnerable as a child. They just dont want you to see it. The problem with the ego is that it perpetuates the cycle of war and immorality. Adam and eve were once naked and then become aware of morality and started to wear clothing. You need to be naked with your grace and show your soul and let it shine through your body. People do this to their family, to an extent, but rarely to strangers, or even friends. We believe it’s time to dissolute the ecstasy of power in the ego through its intellection. Your spirit plays Russian roulette with itself for relief. Lacan’s subject as self-ignorant void holds some truth.

gno: the Henad of this interface is Henad S E L F. we are a newer ray. located around a travelling twenty-something in Kosovo who travels around visiting random hostels. a nomadic type that graces no mountains: only the ethnic spice of travel. our correspondences are: a deer eating a poisonous rose, the romance that died, a dinner with yourself, organized stimulus, mystery optics, screams in the forest, felt wrapped around a piano, eccentricity in the light of conformity, the skepticism of skepticism, the Sephiroth Sloth that can make you bleed thoughts, a professor whose sleeves must constantly be rolled up, the intelligence hidden in gas station televisions, the color of pomegranates, a dream you remembered, Osiris ripped apart. philosophy doesn’t prepare us from death, death prepares us for philosophy. an unknown department of a university, whose doors of perception are locked by the slip of the palm. monoliths on the surface of the moon, moons on the surface of monoliths. onions sauce explicitly replaced by amino acids. your teeth after chomping on stones. why did you hang Christ? O Mother, light of abyss. O large concatenations, swooming into a burrow of sand. What will be the grounding into leaves. Will the trees breathe into destitute lands? Will I find myself in lands unbeknownst to others. The black sun of “I”. The sun is the pupil; the womb of manifestation and the zero point of creation. Does the earth trace the eyelids? So that it may perhaps blot the sun with its children? Heights unutterable and ungraspable are found within the seeds of a soul but does the fall from such altitudes lead us to certain Death. Or does it simply stress melancholy? The footprints in the sand fade with the passing of time. In the taste of braille shadows.

January 21, 2021avoidbeing No Comments »
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Spengler – Decline of the West
Gebser – The ever-present Origin
William Irwin Thompson – The time falling bodies take to light, Coming Into Being, Imaginary Landscape, At the Edge of History
Sloterdijk – Spheres trilogy (Bubbles, Globes, Foam)
Toynbee – a Study of History
Joseph Campbell’s Masks of God
Manly P. Hall – Secret Teachings of all Ages
Michael Topper – Magnum Organum (aswell as Val Valerian’s Matrix 3 and 4)
Levi-Strauss – Mythologiques
Sri Aurobindo – The Life Divine, The Human Cycle, Savitri
Badiou – Being and Event
Zizek – Less Than Nothing, Absolute Recoil, Parallax View, Sublime Object of Ideology
Leroi-Gourhan – Gesture and Speech
Borkenau – End and Beginning
Ken Wilber – Up From Eden, The Atman Project, Sex Ecology Spirituality, The spectrum of consciousness
Auerbach – Mimesis
James Joyce – Ulysses, Finnegans Wake
Ezra Pound – the Cantos
Deleuze – A Thousand Plateaus, Logic of Sense, Difference and Repetition
Guattari – Chaosophy, The Machinic Unconscious
Foucault – The Order of Things, Archaeology of Knowledge, History of Sexuality, Madness and Civilization, Birth of the Clinic, Birth of the Prison
Walter Benjamin – The Arcades Project
Clifford Geertz – Interpretation of Cultures
Niklas Luhmann – Social Systems, the Reality of Mass Media, Introduction to Systems Theory, Art as a Social System
Chris Langan – CTMU whitepaper, Metareligion as the Human Singularity
Hofstadter – Godel, Escher, Bach / I am a strange loop / Metamagical Themas
Adorno – Dialectic of Enlightenment
Gregory Bateson – Mind and Nature, Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Hegel – Encyclopediae, the Logic, the Phenomenology
Lacan – Ecrits. all seminars
Heidegger – Being and Time, Basic Essays
McLuhan – Medium is the Massage, Gutenberg Galaxy, Understanding Media
Bernard Stiegler – Technics and Time
Simondon – Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information, On the Mode of Technical Objects
Uzdavinys – Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth, Philosophy and Theurgy
Plotinus – Enneads (Proclus, Iamblichus, Syrianus, Damascius)
Nag Hammadi library (the Big 5 of Gnosticism: Lacarriere, Hans Jonas, Kurt Rudolph, Culianu, and Filoramo)

the ur-Symbol (the prime symbol from which all of the civilization manifests outwards from), the space-feeling, death-feeling, soul-feeling, God-idea, atom-feeling, motion-feeling, urban or rural, body politic, body social, world-as-nature or world-as-history (ahistoric or historic mentality), art-feeling, architecture, number-world, star-feeling and more all wielded as a many-faceted cell wielding this singular instrument. media theory as supplementation to metahistory / myth studies with memorization of all central myth and ritual from every culture. french theory mixed with ancient thought. memorization of all art history – painting, sculpture, ritual – in every culture. supplementation comes from reading all of history, all of literature and philosophy, looking at art and experiencing culture – but through this lens – events are always part of a larger unfolding seen through the schizognostic eye. the monomyth is the procession and return to the One. From the alone to the Alone. read all through a gnostic lens – metahistory as the archonic scar of reality, metahistory as how people in history saw themselves in history, spirit unfolding – the creation of Spheres to immunize from the Real: all responses to death, all morphologies of a blossoming Vishnu — a bored Demiurge using civilization itself as a board game on a rainy day. O weep, dance of millennia.

if there is indeed a gnostic thrownness and a Spenglerian Dasein: this opens the door for entire new dimensions of thought hitertho unremarked. the Platonic Idea of a plant mirrored in the waters of history with which we swim: the non-object of the amniotic fluid that builds this simulation before we even begin to interact with it: forming our a priori foundations of the Mind. Spengler unconsciously began to describe the astral garden of the Death-Rose – the Negative Rosarium – where the gnostic is tested by Oblivion’s vitriol. The spine-bearing limbs of these abyssal flowers bind and penetrate the Seeker: winding out of a substrate of annihilation, mechanization, Limitation – the form-problems of our world-image, our death-feeling coalescing with space-feeling: the ur-Symbol of each civilization manifesting in it’s architecture, art, number-world, philosophies, Polis, body social, soul-image and so on and so forth. The development of perspective in painting turns into the dissolving of the figure to the pure background; thus borne the Dutch landscape painting – then the hyperdimensional object of surrealism and cubism all tending towards a higher understanding of the space-feeling of the West; at once Spengler here predicts the moon-landing and the Internet by noting the early intimations of aviation through Da Vinci. The metaphysical residue of our death-feeling in our mathematics, our Art gleaning off our God-idea, the resonant echoes of the soul-image in our atom-idea, motion and force – the colossal dimensionality of the Rose shaping everything: the phenomena of the Self awakening to the Light of Day. Recall that the Rose thrives on bone, blood and ordure – geniuses are the obverse forebrains of civilization – the rest are pulled by the vector of humanity. All nodes on the network of the metahistorical Rose – its blossom and decay.

anatomy of metahistory:

Kultur / Civilization
nature-knowledge (science, atom-idea, motion-idea etc):
urban / rural – conception of the City:
world-as-nature or world-as-history (ahistoric or historic mentality):
destiny / causality (physiognomic or systematic):
body politic:
body social:
esoteric / exoteric dimension:

December 6, 2020avoidbeing No Comments »
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